Tag: event


The Path to Leadership – IF Manchester Open Day 2019

Why not improve your CV by joining the Innovation Forum!   Are you a recent graduate or studying towards a degree in Life Sciences or Engineering? Do you want to improve or develop your business acumen? Are you interested in meeting new people and organising events and workshops in Manchester? We are a non-profit organisationaaa

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Start-up Science: Entrepreneurship in Science (+ Local IMAGINE IF! Finals)

In order to continue our work towards stimulating transformation and development worldwide, the Innovation Forum Manchester invites you to: ‘Start-up Science: Entrepreneurship in Science’ on the 26th February at 6.00 pm local time in the Manchester Metropolitan University Business School. There you will have the opportunity to meet successful business and science professionals who will share their experience and exclusiveaaa

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IMAGINE IF! Manchester Launch Event and Workshop

IMAGINE IF! Manchester Launch Event and Workshop IMAGINE IF! is a fantastic opportunity to accelerate a scientific idea towards a commercial reality. Unlike other competitions, it is a chance to receive mentorship from industry leaders with a strong scientific background that has the insight and network to really take your idea forward. And it’s FREE to apply!!aaa

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Manchester Event: IoT and Healthcare, Energy and Life Sciences

Business and consumer attention is now focused on the latest technology trend – the Internet of Things (IoT).  The potential of IoT is huge, as no one wants to be left out of things, especially when so many new products and technologies are emerging on the market.    Analysts predict that the number of thingsaaa

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IMAGINE IF! Manchester Launch Event

Join the global IMAGINE IF! network of Innovators across 16 branches world wide, competing for the non-dilutive $30,000 award. The participation is free, don’t miss this opportunity and apply now! Registration deadline for local finals will vary. If you miss your local deadline you can still apply through the independent stream by the 14th of July 2016. The IMAGINE IF! accelerator programme is organised by the Innovationaaa

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