Why not improve your CV by joining the Innovation Forum! Are you a recent graduate or studying towards a degree in Life Sciences or Engineering? Do you want to improve or develop your business acumen? Are you interested in meeting new people and organising events and workshops in Manchester? We are a non-profit organisationaaa
Read moreIn order to continue our work towards stimulating transformation and development worldwide, the Innovation Forum Manchester invites you to: ‘Start-up Science: Entrepreneurship in Science’ on the 26th February at 6.00 pm local time in the Manchester Metropolitan University Business School. There you will have the opportunity to meet successful business and science professionals who will share their experience and exclusiveaaa
Read moreIMAGINE IF! Manchester Launch Event and Workshop IMAGINE IF! is a fantastic opportunity to accelerate a scientific idea towards a commercial reality. Unlike other competitions, it is a chance to receive mentorship from industry leaders with a strong scientific background that has the insight and network to really take your idea forward. And it’s FREE to apply!!aaa
Read moreThe global IoT industry is expected to become a $14.4T market by 2022 (Cisco). The Internet of Things is a concept of connecting all things – from devices to homes, from shoes to factories, street lamps to buses, or literally anything and everything under the sun. IoT refers to a network of physical objects embeddedaaa
Read moreOn a rainy November evening on 16th November, Innovation Forum (IF) held an open day at Manchester Metropolitan University to recruit students and young professionals to join the growing team at the Manchester branch. The event included presentations from IF representatives and a talk from a career expert on how to succeed in the jobaaa
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