IMAGINE IF! is Officially in Full Swing!

Lauren Wilburn Written by Lauren Wilburn
Published on 27 July 2017
2 min. read

This month, Innovation Forum’s global branches have been holding launch events across the globe for the IMAGINE IF! Accelerator scheme.

Manchester was keen to get IMAGINE IF! up and running at their drop-in session on the 18-07-17 and promote innovation in the North West. The audience held a variety of interests including mental health, digital health and medical technology. We were also joined by a guest from our sponsors at Alderley Park Ventures.

The session began by brainstorming about what innovation is and how the Innovation Forum can help you. Differing responses were generated with a strong emphasis on utilising and benefitting from Innovation Forum’s extensive network. This led onto a speech by Daniel Moreno (Global Head of Marketing and Communications at Innovation Forum) explaining more about the Innovation Forum network and the past IMAGINE IF! events. Looking back at previous finalists, it is clear that the companies are from varied backgrounds but all have the potential to make a significant impact on people’s lives. Daniel then stressed that, if applicants made it to the final, they would have the opportunity to pitch in front of an audience that may include leaders in their respective fields. This really captured the attention of the audience, being a great way to expand their own networks.

Although applications can be daunting, Anastassia Bolotkova (President of Innovation Forum Manchester) talked the audience through the process. She explained how successful applicants would be partnered with local mentors. Mentors would help applicants refine a business plan and then develop a three minute video pitch worthy of the finals at the Innovation Forum Leaders Conference #IFLC2017 taking place on 4th and 5th December in Oxford.

Once again Manchester has delivered some exciting business ideas! Don’t forget local applications close on 28th July 2017 so apply now!

Keep up to date with Innovation Forum Manchester upcoming events and workshops at Innovation Forum, Facebook or Twitter. This includes our next event 12-10-17 ehich connects science and business, more details still to come!

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