Luke Macgregor

Business Development Associate

Born in Edinburgh and growing up in Carlisle, my interest in science and innovation started when I was fortunate enough to go on a school trip to CERN in Genova, thanks to the Ogden Trust. At CERN, I learned that their research had not only helped us better understand the nature of the universe but also was crucial for the development of the World Wide Web, advances in medical imaging and better radiotherapies.

This passion led to me moving to Manchester to study Medical Biochemistry. My degree gave me a solid understanding of the mechanisms that cause diseases and the process of designing molecularly rational treatments to cure or prevent them. My degree led me to lab-based roles at both Cancer Research UK and then Amazon UK.

In the summer of 2020, I applied for a Masters course at the University of Manchester in Precision Medicine. My Masters project involved optimising the conditions of a novel luminescent enzyme, Nano-luc for use in single-cell mammalian circadian rhythm analysis. During my project, I got to truly
appreciate how the circadian rhythm is the scaffold on which all our biological processes hang-off and how its disruption is present in almost every disease. We are reaching a point in biomed where our understanding of the interplay and consequences of each person’s unique Omic data (from their genome to their metabolome) will allow an explosion in new preventative and curative treatments and proper harnessing on that potential in the UK will be vital for the NHS and the economy. I firmly believe that Science and Innovation can be a way to sustainably grow an economy while tackling the leading issues of our time.

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